New Single and Video Release for Revolution

Please stream my new single "Revolution" and check out the new video!


It's a Human Revolution to rise up from the trenches of our past and present restraints with a new self awareness & consciousness that will lead us on a path to a liberation of the mind & spirit. We must be aware of the Illusion's that are before us so that we can make wise decisions in our lives for our well beings and those that we love. The current system has not been supportive in the development of the brilliant minds of those who have been disadvantaged because of poverty and insufficiency. Instead, the system works to constrain and suppress the masses in a illusory vision of capitalism which makes the richer rich and the poor poorer. There is a vast majority of the world who have no idea what nutritious food and healthy living is. Causing disease and complications in their lives. Consumption of needless items cause poverty and mental anguish because we don't live up to the standards of the illusion we see on television. What we need is for people to wake up and see beyond this deception and start developing our communities with a new spirit of unity, love, growth and development of mind, body and soul! Revolve to Evolve! ~ With Love,SS


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