Don't Worry Girl - New Song and E- Book on self awareness, self worth and self nurtuting

How are you? Spring is in that air and I bet that you are happy for some positive changes.  The warm weather always brings so much happiness and joy.  There's just something about the warm sun beating down, warming everything up, heart, body and soul. 

Newness is in the air and it's a time for Spring cleaning, letting out the old and bringing in the new.  The Spring Equinox arrived March 20th and it's known to bring in new light, life, new beginnings, seeds, and path.  What are you calling in and bringing into your life.  There is so much power in asking the universe for what you want :) - All we need is the clarity to bring it into manifestation. 

I'm so happy to announce that I have completed working on the next song that I wrote and produced entitled, "Don't Worry Girl".  This song is for all to enjoy men and women alike but speaks primarily to any woman or girl  who needs a boost of encouragement and upliftment.  Life can be challenging especially now with the world being topsy turvy, unemployment at a high rate, many business's have closed and a pandemic at hand.  Women in general can be hard on themselves and forget their value and worth in times of hardships and struggle.  The truth of the matter is no one should struggle in life but it happens in the Ebb and Flow of life.  It is how we handle those hard times that can make or break us. 

This song urges women to, "count all your blessings, bag up all your stressing. You don't have to worry it's going to be alright".  You want to know why!?!?  Because this song will come with an audio and ebook (34 pages) all about self awareness, self worth, self empowerment, self nurturing and more.  I have put together this information with the intent to revitalize and reinvigorate the self image of any women who feels unworthy or lost on her path.  I have been that girl and that women who needed to be reminded at times in my life that I am enough and no one can define me but myself. Life has it's up and downs as we all know.  The book touches on self awareness and self worth, why women need to grow self worth, what is self worth and how to recognize yours. Tips to finding self worth, self empowerment and lastly steps to nurturing your inner self.  It all starts with oneself and if one can't find the time to give self the love you may need, it's hard to truly love another .  Everything starts with the self.  If you or anyone you know may be in need of this information guess what.... 

 For only $4.99 you can purchase the song and ebook, just click here:

~ Don't Worry Girl High Quality Mp3 Download and Ebook ~

~ Don't Worry Girl High Quality Mp3 Download ~

The Audio book is coming soon.

I will include and send the audio book once it's released. Thank you always for your support and following my journey and music.  I am continually focused on themes that will uplift, awaken and inspire because that is my mission through music. 

Sending you lots of peace and much love. 


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